Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Using the Spanish Verb Echar

Using the Spanish Verb Echar Echar may primarily mean to throw, but the reality is that it has literally dozens of possible translations that vary wildly with the context. Fast Facts Although it is usually defined first in dictionaries as to throw, echar is an extremely flexible verb than can refer to many types of giving something motion, either literally or figuratively.Echar is the verb in a wide array of idiomatic phrases.Echar is conjugated regularly. In its simplest usage, echar means to throw or, more generally, to move (something) from one place to another. See how the way you understand and translate the verb depends on what is being moved and how: Echà ³ el libro a la basura. (She threw the book in the garbage.)Echar una cuchara de aceite de oliva. (Add a spoonful of olive oil. While throw works in the sentence above, it obviously doesnt here.)Angelita echà ³ la carta al correo. (Angelita sent the letter in the mail.)Echà ³ el vino en una copa. (He poured the wine into a glass.)Este dragà ³n es monstruo que echa llamas de fuego por la boca. (This dragon is a monster that breathes fire from its mouth.)Esa mquina echa chispas. (That machine gives off sparks. You also could use throw here: That machine throws sparks.)Le echaron de la escuela. (They tossed him out of the school. Note that, as in English, this sentence can be understood literally, meaning he was physically removed, or figuratively, meaning that he was expelled.)Zupo les echà ³ la charla a sus jugadores. (Zupo gave the talk to his players.) Idioms Using Echar Because echar can be so broadly understood, it is used in a variety of idioms, many that you probably wouldnt associate with the concept of throwing. For example, echar la culpa, which might literally be understood as to throw blame, typically would be translated simply as to blame. Example: Y luego me echà ³ la culpa de arruinarle el cumpleaà ±os. (And later he blamed me for ruining his birthday.) Here are some other idioms using echar: echar un vistazo a (to glance at)echar de menos a alguien (to miss someone)echar abajo (to pull down)echar la llave (to lock)echar el freno (to put the brakes on)echar a perder (to ruin or demolish)echarse atrs (to back out)echarse un novio (to get oneself a boyfriend)echar ganas (to put forth much effort)echar a suertes (to make a decision by random means such as tossing a coin or drawing straws)echar el alto (to order someone to stop)echar un ojo (to watch or look at)echar balones fuera (to sidetrack)echar las campanas al vuelo (to shout out the news)echar el cierre (to close or shut down)echar algo en falta (to miss something)echar la buenaventura (to tell a fortune)echar la vista atrs (to look back)echar por tierra (to ruin or spoil)echar una siesta (to take a nap or siesta)echar sapos y culebras (to rant and rave)echar una mirada (to take a look)echar sal (to salt)echar en saco roto (to do something in vain)echar el resto (to go for broke)echar un pulso (to challenge someone, t o arm wrestle) echar pestes de alguien (to run somebody down)echar una pelà ­cula (to show a film)echar la primera papilla (to vomit)echar una mano, echar un capote (to help out, give a hand)echar leà ±a al fuego (to add fuel to the fire)echar el guante a alguien (to catch somebody)echar una cana al aire (to let ones hair down. A cana is a gray or white hair.)echar una cabezada (to nap)echar chispas (to give off sparks, to rant)echar una bronca a alguien (to tell off someone)echar agua al vino, echar agua a la leche (to water down) Also, the phrase echar a followed by an infinitive often means to begin, as in these examples: Cada vez que oà ­a la cinta me echaba a llorar. (Each time I heard the tape I would burst into tears.)Prà ©stame tus alas y echarà © a volar. (Lend me your wings and I will begin to fly.) Conjugation of Echar Echar is conjugated regularly, following the pattern of hablar. Here are the most common indicative tenses: Present: yo echo, tà º echas, à ©l/ella/usted echa, nosotros echamos, vosotros echis, ellos echanPreterite: yo echo, tà º echas, à ©l/ella/usted echa, nosotros echamos, vosotros echis, ellos echanImperfect: yo echaba, tà º echabas, à ©l/ella/usted echaba, nosotros echbamos, vosotros echabais, ellos echabanFuture: yo echarà ©, tà º echs, à ©l/ella/usted ech, nosotros echaremos, vosotros echarà ©is, ellos echaran.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Lincoln Autobiography

Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky in 1809. His parents were frontier farmers, so Lincoln was born in a log cabin and barely knew how to read and write. The family moved to Indiana, where his mother died when Abe was nine, and then moved to Illinois. Lincoln suffered from poverty and bad luck. Lincoln had little education, but had a thirst for knowledge, so he read several books. Abe loved to read, tell stories, talk, laugh, almost anything but work. Lincoln held many jobs from a log-splitter to running a store to surveying. He earned his nickname "Honest Abe" because he had walked six miles to return a few cents to a woman he had overcharged. Lincoln finally found his career in law in the town of Springfield, Illinois. Lincoln was more concerned with gaining justice for his clients than making money. And he loved to talk to people. During the time before the Civil War, Lincoln was drawn into politics because of what was happening in the United States. He served four terms in the Illinois state legislature and one term as Illinois delegate to the House of Representatives. Lincoln gained national attention when he challenged Stephen Douglas for the senate seat from Illinois. The two men were engaged in a series of debates, which would later be called the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Lincoln was a Republican who opposed the spread of slavery into the new territories, and he was a powerful speaker. Although Douglas was more experienced, Lincoln was able to appeal to anti-slavery voters with his message. Lincoln lost the senate campaign, but became a well- known Republican candidate. In the election of 1860, the Republicans choose Lincoln as their candidate for President. He wins the election with 40 percent of the popular vote and a majority of the electoral vote becoming the sixteenth President of the United States. Lincoln had said in 1858 that, "A house divided against itself cannot stand," and within weeks, the first states... Free Essays on Lincoln Autobiography Free Essays on Lincoln Autobiography Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky in 1809. His parents were frontier farmers, so Lincoln was born in a log cabin and barely knew how to read and write. The family moved to Indiana, where his mother died when Abe was nine, and then moved to Illinois. Lincoln suffered from poverty and bad luck. Lincoln had little education, but had a thirst for knowledge, so he read several books. Abe loved to read, tell stories, talk, laugh, almost anything but work. Lincoln held many jobs from a log-splitter to running a store to surveying. He earned his nickname "Honest Abe" because he had walked six miles to return a few cents to a woman he had overcharged. Lincoln finally found his career in law in the town of Springfield, Illinois. Lincoln was more concerned with gaining justice for his clients than making money. And he loved to talk to people. During the time before the Civil War, Lincoln was drawn into politics because of what was happening in the United States. He served four terms in the Illinois state legislature and one term as Illinois delegate to the House of Representatives. Lincoln gained national attention when he challenged Stephen Douglas for the senate seat from Illinois. The two men were engaged in a series of debates, which would later be called the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Lincoln was a Republican who opposed the spread of slavery into the new territories, and he was a powerful speaker. Although Douglas was more experienced, Lincoln was able to appeal to anti-slavery voters with his message. Lincoln lost the senate campaign, but became a well- known Republican candidate. In the election of 1860, the Republicans choose Lincoln as their candidate for President. He wins the election with 40 percent of the popular vote and a majority of the electoral vote becoming the sixteenth President of the United States. Lincoln had said in 1858 that, "A house divided against itself cannot stand," and within weeks, the first states...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hurricanes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hurricanes - Essay Example Hurricanes derive their energy from water vapor. The high temperatures make the area more prone to hurricanes because the heat evaporates the sea water and the water vapor gives the hurricane energy and increases its power. Low leveled land also contributes to the devastating effects of hurricanes by making the area prone to floods, Kerry (43). A rise in sea level, accompanied by storm surge will push sea water inland and this will lead to flooding. High torrential rainfall is also a problem because it increases the water levels and this will further make the area vulnerable to hurricanes.Various measures can be taken against hurricanes to ensure the safety of people as well as their properties. Since a hurricane can be a course of nature or a natural disaster, little can be done to prevent it. This calls for assembling of skilled and highly dedicated professionals who can be able to use modern technology to accurately forecast the event that a hurricane can occur. If this can be don e with precision then the devastation that we usually realize from hurricanes can be minimized.According to Kerry, most hurricanes have caught people unaware and they were not able to salvage their properties and some ended up losing much more than just their valuable properties but their precious lives as well. Therefore there is need to strategize on evacuation plans. This entails identification of a safe shelter and the safest route of getting there. This is in the case that a warning is issued therefore people’s lives can be saved.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

High Voltage Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

High Voltage - Coursework Example Voltage stability at the design level on the other hand can be described as the systems deliberate measures to ensure that a steady voltage is maintained throughout the conditions as well as demand. Voltage control measures are the intervention strategies introduced for purposes ensuring that the power system remains stable throughout (Kundur, 1994, p17). Voltage control is aimed at ensuring minimum disturbances by maintaining voltage within the acceptable limits and must satisfy the following; voltage utility at the terminals is always within the required limits, system stability issues are minimized and that reactive flow is maintained at a very low magnitude to facilitate low RI2 and XI2. Voltage stability is maintained if for every system bus, V (voltage magnitude) increases by increases in the utilization at the other end of Q (reactive power injection). However, voltage instability occurs if as a minimum, one bus has V decreasing while Q increases. Otherwise put, voltage stability will be achieved if for all buses V-Q sensitivity is positive or instability will occur if negative for one bus as a minimum. Transient stability is the capacity of a power system to sustain synchronism is exposed to strong transient instabilities or disturbances. The most defining characteristic of the instability that the system is meant to overcome is a system failure that requires a very short critical clearing time. This type of instability is however serious since the generator rotors experience a rapid kinetic energy accumulation so huge that the first power swing is not enough to release it. High voltage power cables require high quality insulation due to the nature of the high electric strength of the currents they transmit. To ensure that the insulation system meets the standard for high voltage involved, several attempts have been made since a long time ago. One

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Time Value of Money Essay Example for Free

Time Value of Money Essay Interest rate pertains to the earning which is made over time (Valentino, 2002). Two important parties are engaged in this scenario – the borrower and the lender. The borrower incurs the losses while the investor has the interest, the profit, after the term is fulfilled. There are two main types of interest rates according to their nature: nominal interest rate and the real interest rate. Nominal interest rates are fixed and normally contract bound for a given term. While real interest rate takes inflation into account, thus the interest rate is subject to change over time, depending on the economic conditions (Dr. Johnson, 1994-2005). For example, a $10,000 loan with an interest rate of 20% payable for 2 years will have the same interest rate until the 2-year term ends under a nominal interest rate setting while the interest rate is likely to change after the 1st year under a real interest rate setting. Interest rates can also be classified according to their earning power: simple interest and compound interest. In simple interest, only the principal amount gains interest. While in compound interest, the current amount (principal + the previous interest incurred) will gain the interest (Valentino, 2002). For example, if Mr. X borrowed $10,000 from a bank with a simple interest rate of 10% annually. The interest will be equal to $10,000 X 0.10 X 2 which is equal to $2,000. Hence, the accumulated value will be equal to $10,000 plus $2,000 which is equal to $12,000 after the 2-year term. While under compound interest, after the first year, the interest would be $10,000 X 0.10 = $1,000 and the accumulated value will be $11,000. This will become the new principal. After the second year, the interest would be $11,000 X 0.10 = $ 1,100 and so the accumulated value would be $ 12,100 at the end of the 2-year term (TVM 1.2.2 Java Bean, 2007)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Discount rate is not much different from the interest rate. Actually, it is also governed by the same principle. The only difference between the two is that the interest is paid at the end of the term under an interest rate, but under a discount rate, the interest is paid immediately or at the beginning of the period (Dr. Johnson, 1994-2005). Using the previous example, under a simple discount rate of 10% if Mr. X would have to borrowed the same amount then, the bank would not give him $10,000, but less the interest. Since the interest must be discounted at the beginning, then the bank will only lend him $8,000 but he has to pay $ 10,000 at the end of the 2-year term (TVM 1.2.2 Java Bean, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Clearly, the interest and discount rate are some of the most important economic indicators. Proper computation and data would give economists a measure of how much an interest rate would be. Therefore, to preserve the value of money through time, analysts should accurately measure the current economic trends and implement the most accurate rates as possible. References: Valentino P. (2002). Interest Rates. Retrieved August 17, 2007, from Economics Web Institute. Website: Dr. Johnson, P.M. (1994-2005). A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Discount rate. Retrieved August 17, 2007, from Auburn University.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Website: TVM 1.2.2 Java Bean. Retrieved August 17, 2007   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from:

Friday, November 15, 2019

Another Baseball Paper :: essays research papers

The activity that I enjoy most is Baseball, which is a competitive game of skill played between two teams, each with nine players. Baseball is Americas National Pastime and is played by people of ages. Abner Doubleday, a former American Civil War officer, is the inventor of baseball. Born in Ballston Spa, NY, Doubleday attended school at the United States Military Academy. As a young man, Doubleday organized a small amount of baseball teams in Cooperstown, NY, who played what is now known as Doubleday Field. Cooperstown is the home of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Doubleday then died in 1893. Since then, amateur and professional baseball players have been improving the game of baseball in many ways. Baseball is played for the money, and medially played for the love of the game. The average salary for a baseball player is around $2 million a year. Some players can make as low as $250,000 a year up to about $25 million a year. On this present day, there is a baseball league in the United States called MLB, which stands for Major League Baseball. The MLB is made up of thirty teams and two different leagues, National and American. Out of the two leagues, there consists of fifteen teams that make up three divisions with a different number of teams in each division. Each team plays 162 games every year, unless they are tied with a team in their own division and a one game playoff must be played. At the end of the year, who ever has the best record out of their division makes it to the playoffs, as well as a wildcard team, who has the fourth best regular season record in the league, which makes four teams from each league that go to the playoffs. Each team plays a team from their own league. The team with the best and the worst record in the regular season play each other, and the

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Common core skills Essay

The key areas in current legislation which relate to the safeguarding of children (1.1) .2.Evaluate the effectiveness of a range of activities that can be used to encourage children to protect themselves (1.2) 3.Explain at least 3 different types of transitions that children can experience over the age range birth to 16 years. Analyse the impact of the transition on children at a particular stage of development. (2.1 and 2.2) . Analyse the importance of play in supporting a child’s development.5. For this task you need to identify 3 play activities for children of different ages. We want you to evaluate their effectiveness, identify the materials you need, why you have chosen the materials selected and any health and safety implications. (3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4) 7. Why is it important that you consider the health and safety implications for both the play activity and the materials used? 9.When communicating with children you need to ensure that your communication is suitable for their stage of development. How can you do this? Please give examples in your answer. (4.2) .10.During your training you explored different communication methods. Select some of these methods and evaluate their effectiveness. (4.3) .11.Explain the main functions of a multi agency team. (5.1) .12.What are the benefits of a multi agency team? 13.Why do you, as a nanny, need to be aware of multi agency working and team working? (5.3) .14.As a nanny you may need to be working with a range of other professionals. How would working in this way ensure the needs of the child are met? (5.4) 15.Using the table below analyse which professionals you would need to be involved with and their role.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

In Jonathan Kozol Essay

In Jonathan Kozol’s novel Amazing Grace, religion plays a dominant role throughout the book. As Kozol describes the people in poverty of Mott Haven and the myriad horrible circumstances that they face everyday, religion provides their one and only salvation and solace. It is much easier to ask what these children don’t face than what they do. They face people dying daily, prolonged sickness, crime, drugs, abuse, alcoholism, asthma, poverty, dirt, dilapidated housing. They see people die horrific deaths whether it is from AIDS or a little girl falling down an elevator shaft that nobody would fix. They are denied medical care or given substandard care, which means people don’t get better. They attend substandard schools where they receive less than adequate education. What they don’t face is a lot of compassion or empathy. At a time in America when neo-liberalists would like to get rid of government control of the economy, which results in cutting social programs that directly benefit the poor, religion is their only means of hope. Incidentally, neo-liberalists do not have any problem with government subsidies or benefits for businesses. With the rising sentiment of â€Å"I didn’t breed them†¦I don’t want to feed them† (128), this nation’s poor are shoved away and hidden more and more. They are blamed for the problems they face, and less is being done to help. As Reverend Overall says of the lack of mention of 97th Street, though 96th Street is featured in tourist guides,, â€Å"The papers ignore realities like the waste burner, but they do it in a way that tends to neutralize the dangers almost instantly† (187). 97th Street is poverty, and America turns its back on these people in the name of neo-liberalism. The American public believes as Kozol states, â€Å"If only enough children, we are told, would act the way heroes do, say no to drugs and sex and gold chains and TV and yes to homework, values, church and abstinence, and if only enough good parents, teachers, volunteers, and civic-minded business leaders would assist them in these efforts, we could turn this around† (240). This again is blaming the victim, not the society who created these conditions at all. As long as the poor are hidden away in places we run from, the inequalities will continue to exist. And when faced with such an extensive list of problems, what can these people do? They can turn to religion. Religion provides them hope. Churches provide them with food and clean needles and community organizers as well. Church becomes the focal point around which their lives revolve. As Father Glenwith Miller says, â€Å"Many here a great deal more devout then people you would meet in wealthy neighborhoods. Those who have everything they want for need have often the least feeling for religion. The rich are very busy storing everything they can accumulate: wealth, power, or prestige†¦Still I think it grieves to hear of God when human beings created in His image treat other human beings like filthy rags† (78). This quote says a great deal about why people of Mott haven are so religious with a comment about the social responsibility of humanity as well. People from Mott Haven come to church in order to escape bullets and crime for a brief respite. They use church to take away the harshness and darkness of their own lives. Church is someplace where they can hope and dream for something better than they have. Kozol wants the reader to truly understand the power religion has to buoy their spirits against the rising tide they must face everyday—the guns, the violence, the drugs, the sickness, the injustice. A nightly prayer for Mrs. Washington’s children is â€Å"God bless Mommy. God bless Nanny. Don’t punish me because I’m black† (69). Others express the sentiment that god provides a better place after death or are just thankful that God has allowed them to live. Kozol asks Shirley Flowers, a friend of Reverend Overall’s, â€Å"Do your children have the same belief in God that you do? † She replies â€Å"Yes†¦They do. This family talks to God† (169). And when a student of Gizelle Luke’s is asked â€Å"Who do you look up to? , he replies I look up to God, my mother, and myself† (33). These quotes are used to show just how important religion is as a force in their lives. Father Glenworth Miles discusses the importance of God in this community. We are not literal fundamentalists here†¦We see God as a liberating force who calls us to deliver people from oppression. The apparent consensus of the powerful is that the ghetto is to be preserved as a perpetual catch-basin for the poor. It is not about annihilating segregation or even about transformation of the ghetto, but setting up ‘programs’ to teach people to ‘adjust’ to it, to show a ‘functional’ adaptation to an evil institution†¦As a religious man, I see it as my obligation to speak out against this, not to bend the poor to be accommodated to injustice but to empower them to fight it and to try to tear it down† (81). He determines it to be

Friday, November 8, 2019

Comparison Essay on Football and Basketball

Comparison Essay on Football and Basketball Comparison Essay on Football and Basketball Football and basketball are two of the most common sports that are played in many parts of the world. For an individual who is torn between selecting which of the two sports he should play, it can be very helpful to know the characteristics of the two sports and compare these qualities in order to select the one that interests a particular person the most. One of the most obvious differences between the two sports lies in the way they are played. While football is in most cases played outdoors in areas that may not necessarily have artificial lighting or controlled temperatures, basketball is mostly played in indoor fields that have both artificial lighting and temperature control. The size of the football field is also several times bigger than that of basketball. The other difference lies in the way the players interact with the ball. In football, the ball is played by fumbling, while in basketball, the ball is played by bouncing the ball up and down on the floor repeatedly in an action known as dribbling. In football, the main objective of the game is to capture the territory of the opposing team in ten yard segments, eventually driving the ball to the opposing team’s end zone. In basketball, the main aim is to throw the ball as many ways as possible into the opposing team’s basket, given that the more baskets a team makes, the higher the score. Another major difference is that physical contact between basketball players of opposing teams is highly discouraged and may actually result in a foul. This is especially the case when a player knocks another player of the opposing team to the floor. In football, contact is highly encouraged. Contact in football is referred to as a tackle. Another difference between the two sports is way players dress. While basketball players adorn vests as the uniform of the game, football players are usually dressed in long sleeved t-shirts and trousers. They also wear helmets to protect their heads during tough tackles. Another notable difference between the two sports is why a player may be suspended from the game. The most common reason behind players being ruled out of a basketball game is the fouls that they cause, but in football, injuries are the most common reasons that remove players from the game. The kind of scores in each of the games also differs greatly. In football, 3 is the least number of points that the opposing team can score at a single time, while in basketball, 3 is the most a player can score at a time. Finally, the origin of each of the games also differs. While football is thought to have originated in the early 1900s as a violent collegiate sport for men, bask etball is believed to have originated from a gymnastics practice for women. You can enjoy our professional essay service which can help with writing your comparison essay on Football and Basketball. Get 100% original custom compare and contrast essay written from scratch!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Charge Definition and Examples (Physics and Chemistry)

Charge Definition and Examples (Physics and Chemistry) In the context of chemistry and physics, charge usually refers to electric charge, which is a conserved property of certain subatomic particles that determines their electromagnetic interaction. Charge is a physical property that causes matter to experience a force within an electromagnetic field. Electric charges may be positive or negative in nature. If no net electric charge is present, the matter is considered to be neutral or uncharged. Like charges (e.g., two positive charges or two negative charges) repel each other. Dissimilar charges (positive and negative) attract each other. In physics, the term charge may also refer to color charge in the field of quantum chromodynamics. In general, charge refers to a generator of continuous symmetry in a system. Charge Examples in Science By convention, electrons have a charge of -1 while protons have a charge of 1. Another way of indicating charge is for an electron to have a charge of e and a proton to have a charge of e.Quarks possess what is known as color charge.Quarks may possess flavor charges, including charm and strangeness.Although hypothetical, magnetic charge has been postulated for electromagnetism. Units of Electric Charge The proper unit for electric charge is discipline-dependent. In chemistry, a capital letter Q is used to indicate charge in equations, with the elementary charge of an electron (e) as a common unit. The SI derived unit of charge is the coulomb (C). Electrical engineering often uses the unit ampere-hour (Ah) for charge.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Mobile Computing and Social Networks Term Paper

Mobile Computing and Social Networks - Term Paper Example On the other hand, mobile communication devices, once completely charged, are able to offer the similar working for 48 to 96 hours. Additionally, laptops and notebooks need a connection to a network for Internet access that is available at fixed site in working or living structure or wireless access points. Hence, these limitations make these systems and devices difficult to use and manage. On the other hand, mobile communication devices have a network connection access more than 99% of the time in approximately every region of developed nations (Goundar, 2011; Wyeth & MacColl, 2010; Draganova, 2009). This paper discusses some of the important aspects associated with mobile devices. This paper will discuss the impact of mobile devices in different areas of life. This paper also discusses any issues linked with the use of mobile devices. This paper will discuss the factors that need to be considered by mobile application developers while developing these applications. A few years ago having a cell phone was believed to be a social status symbol. At the present the system has been marketed as a need that we all need to carry out different tasks all through the day. Additionally, in the past the size of the telephones was extremely huge and they were kept in peoples automobiles. No one ever appeared to talk about wireless plans, or the potentials of their telephones. The simple question people discussed was, why did we bring our cordless telephone to the job? That appeared to be the simplest other time somebody actually saw a phone with that look. Now telephones have taken the shape of a great more innovative technology as they appear in various versions such as PDA, iPod, and iPhones. This century has seen the successful inventions and implementations of numerous technologies. These technologies have not only changed the way we live but also modernized them. Additionally, the new evolutionary technologies have

Friday, November 1, 2019

About the lottery and contemporary tradition Essay

About the lottery and contemporary tradition - Essay Example It seems reasonable that â€Å"The Lottery† should be existed because it provides a comparative scenario of the contemporary tradition, later is much better than the previous. However, The Lottery is a representative to all the cruel traditions that are passed from generation to another in an unquestionable acceptance. The short story tries to demonstrate the importance of traditions in a particular society, especially by showing the importance of maintaining the culture. The author achieves her notions by using the cruelty aspects of cultural practices and rituals, in a periodic exercise that illustrates the loyalty of the people to the traditions. In this case, the short story depicts the historical event that has been conducted in the previous years consecutively. Therefore, this paper aims to demonstrate the way The Lottery shows why it is important for having traditional maintainability and royalty in a given cultural practice. The first reason is the way the short story shows the importance of contemporary tradition that helps the people in having self-awareness. The Lottery illustrates the historical existence of the traditions in a given cultural diversity. However, the consecutive conduction of the rituals creates self-awareness to the people on the dangers posed by following a tradition blindly. Jackson had a motive of creating a sensible thinking to the people in their efforts of practicing rituals that may affect their livelihood or even cost the lives for the people in the community. The Lottery was sometimes viewed as a modern aspect of refreshing the traditional rituals to conform to the changing world, especially by demonstrating the negative impacts caused by maintaining the traditional practices. In this case, The Lottery was perceived to reflect or encourage the modern way of living by avoiding or improving the traditional rituals. The story demonstrates the importance of adopting other cultural practices into the